"Sweet Child O Mine," Torrent purred soothingly to Celeste like a mother comforting a baby, "that question is irrelevant. If you are given a chance to live a perfect life, don't question it. That's what got your kind kicked out of paradise in the first place."

Torrie by Lex NAME: Torrent Leviathan
SPECIES: Reploid (of the Mechadrake breed)
HAS APPEARED IN: Bass is Not a Fish

Note: Torrent Leviathan originally created by Neon Tiger. Used for BNF with her permission. :)

Although Torrent is a Mechadrake, he does not fit into any of the set subspecies. He's one of a kind, and that's an understatement.

While Torrent is classified as a Maverick, he prefers to work alone in the catacombs of Kapcom's sewers. He scorns the Mavericks' primitive manner of 'genocide' and has concocted a strange hybrid virus of his own. Any human infected with the virus will wildly attack other humans within range.

Much about Torrent is in the shadows. He has hinted to a select few that his lifespan dates way back before the concept of reploids was even concieved...and that his creators may not have been entirely human!

The bloodline of the McTreggors has always stirred Torrent. Being gifted with Mindspeak, he has been able to mentally harrass a fair number of McTreggors including Jake and Celeste.
