Part 16: The Sleeping Reploid

The hunchbacked figure was cloaked in the numerous shadows that were cast by the hexagonal walls in the room. Thankful for that fact, he dared to lean forward a bit more to get a better view of the Hunters in the room who challenged the purple Maverick leader before them. Were these the people he was looking for...? The figure's eyesight had never been exceptional. However, the strong scent of human lingered in his nostrils, as did the weaker, yet familiar, of the Hunters. He was pretty sure he had the right rabble. But the figure decided that now would not be a good time to reveal himself... So he crouched in the shadowy corner to watch the show.

"Zero?" X tried to say to the grey figure that stood silently behind Vile. But he simply couldn't make his mouth form the words. His heart had turned into a caged bird, fluttering wildly. "This can't be Zero." He thought over and over again. "It's a clone..a clone...but.."

Out of the corner of his eye, X could see that Celeste and Forrest both had the same dull, stupid look plastered on their faces that he wore. None of them could believe what stood before them.

"There IS no Zero!" Vile said gleefully. He was clearly enjoying himself, and with good reason. "This is Hellfire."

Celeste shook her head, snapping out of her deep trance of disbelief. "Hellfire? Who gave him THAT name?"

"I did." Vile said simply.

In the corner, the hunchbacked figure rumbled deep in his chest.

"Zero..." X whispered helplessly. He was a confused jumble of emotions. "What have they done to you?"

"My name is not Zero. It's Hellfire." Was the new Maverick's response.

Vile seemed to look taller. This was what being a Maverick was all about! "You'll only confuse him, X!" He trumpeted. Then he lowered his voice and leaned towards the azure Hunter and his companions. "You once knew him as a friend and ally. But he's decided to join us. He told me he's had quite enough of the humans and the have I."

A look of pain twisted Celeste's face. X gaped at Vile, then spoke.

"Vile...I'd be the first to admit that Zero could be a schmuck at times. Once he even filled my helmet with crazy glue. But he would never, never join the Mavericks. He was a good friend..."

"'Was' is the word." Vile snickered. So, you don't believe me? Why don't we ask him for ourselves?"

Celeste growled yet again.

"Hellfire!" Vile bellowed. "Isn't it true you joined the Mavericks on your own free will? Did you not say that you wished to help me and Phoenix destroy the humans?" Vile did not look at his new comrade when asking him this question; he still faced X. Vile didn't want to miss X's reaction for all the world.

"I certainly did." Said the grey Maverick. "I've sworn to fight beside you, master Vile."

A strange, choking sound filled the large room. Celeste was crying.

X refused to believe he was going to end up fighting his best friend. Deep down, X had always been jealous of the scarlet Hunter's fame, but he had never thought for a second that it would come to this. He raised his arm cannon towards Hellfire. Then he dropped it again. He didn't want to fight Zero, but if he didn't, the human race was in an awful lot of danger. X glanced up at his former partner and friend.

Zero's brilliant, fire red armour had been replaced or painted over; now it was a dull grey. The strange crest of the Mavericks was stamped on his left shoulder pad. Other than that, Zero looked almost exactly the same. He still had his trademark lightsabre strapped to his back, and his hair still tumbled to the ground like molten gold. But one thing seemed to be amiss... Zero's eyes had an empty, almost vacant look in them. They had gone from their captivating blue to an ebony black. The eyes of a corrupted reploid. X's self pity and fear was replaced with an emotion he was not used to; uncontrollable rage.

"You've done something to him!" X accused Vile in a booming voice.

"Me?" Vile said, looking as innocent as a newborn kitten. "You heard him! He joined by his own will!"


"I didn't do anything!"

Celeste choked back one last sob. She wiped her eyes with the back of her fist, and, before anyone could stop her, she walked right up to Vile. Celeste had always been short; about five feet. Compared to Vile's height of about seven feet, this sight would have been comical if these had been normal circumstances. However, there was nothing comical about this. Celeste had to look up at Vile to peer into his mask. X had never seen so much open hatred and revulsion in a human's eyes.

"What did you do to him, you bastard!?" Celeste asked in a low tone.

"I refuse to answer that question, as I have repeated the answer several times already." Vile said airily. " Hellfire is here out of his own free will. And by the way, mind the language, will ya?"

Celeste silently raised her lightsabre towards the purple Maverick. Vile tensed himself, ready to attack if needed.

"Why don't you face it, human?" Vile lowered his voice yet again. "Your friend is a traitor...but he made the right choice." Vile's voice remained as calm as ever.

Celeste made a very unladylike gesture in Vile's direction.

Vile smirked. "So it's come to that, has it? Very well then. I was going to have your former friend kill you," Vile jerked his thumb back at the waiting Hellfire, "but I think that since I'll be killing many a human for the next while, now's a good as time as any for me to get some practice..." Vile took a step closer to Celeste, who held up the mesmerizing neon blade of her lightsabre, ready to attack. X and Forrest snapped to it and prepared to defend their friend.

But that help was never needed.

No sooner had Vile taken that step towards Celeste than the Maverick leader had received a white hot blast of plasma energy in his back. Startled, he cried out and stumbled forward. In shock, every member of the small group turned around to see who had fired the shot.

Hellfire stood trembling. His arm cannon was raised towards his master. A faint streamer of smoke rose lazily from the opening. He looked frightened and confused about what he had done, but he still stood poised to attack.

"Don't hurt her!" The grey Maverick snarled weakly.

Vile recovered himself and looked at Hellfire in disbelief.


Hellfire slowly lowered his arm cannon. He looked utterly terrified.

"Sir! I...I don't know what came over me...I...I...oh dear..."

"Hellfire..why did you do that?" Vile said, bewildered.

In the black opening of the corridor behind Vile where the few Mavericks remained hidden, the same question toiled in Phoenix's mind. She didn't quite know what to make of Hellfire's sudden outburst on Vile. Beside her, Overdrive Ostrich rubbed his hands together, whimpering and muttering something that could barely be heard. Phoenix could make out some of the distorted words.

"I'm...trouble...oh boy...I...trouble...bloody hell...."

Overdrive cracked his knuckles one by one. Phoenix knew that Overdrive was hiding something about the reason for the attack. Well that was fine; she'd hold her temper, but she'd worm this one out of the speedy bird somehow.


The intelligent Maverick jumped very suddenly. "What? WHAT?"

"Would you mind telling me in the good name of Sigma why Hellfire just shot his leader in the back? Is it a pre - battle ritual you programmed into the guy with the virus?"

Overdrive looked like he wished he had never been created. "I'll be blunt with you, milady." He sighed. "I wasn't expecting Zero to do this. Something must be fighting the virus we infected him with. Some biological force. He's on the verge of either destroying the human and the Hunters, or killing the whole bloody lot of US." At this, Overdrive pointed to Vile, Flame Stag, Phoenix and himself. "It depends which way the virus will take him. I think he's actually battling the virus with his own will."

"'Will'? Overdrive, WHAT are you talking about?" Phoenix inquired as she struggled to control the anger that was boiling up in her.

"A reploid's 'will' is in his biological systems. His 'human' side, if you will. The side that controls his emotions and such. Humans can actually combat sicknesses with their minds, or so they say. That might be what Zero's doing."

"But HOW?"

Overdrive shrugged weakly. "Something is reminding him about his past life. He wants to go back to it, I think. But the virus won't let him. That's why he's so confused."

Phoenix made little attempt to bridle her anger now. "I thought you said he had NO memory of his past!" She whispered fiercely.

"Well, SOMETHING's reminding him! I don't know! This is all screwed up!"

The short leash on Phoenix's temper snapped completely. She grabbed Overdrive by his spindly neck and forced him to look right in her flaming eyes.

"If we survive this," she hissed through clenched teeth, "you and I are going to have a BIG talk."

Overdrive whimpered, and tried to pull away.

"Please...milady...Zero might still succumb to the...virus...urk, can't...breathe..."

"Shut up, dammit!" Phoenix snarled. "Vile is going to be extra specially nasty to you about THIS one, Mr. 'Zero - Is - One - Of - Us - For - Good'!!"

Overdrive renewed his frantic struggle to break from Phoenix's death grip.

"Miss Phoenix...I TOLD you...the virus is still IN him! He might..end up killing the Hunters anyway! In fact, he probably will. He's in quite a state of confusion. Now..may I...have a breath of air..?"

Disgusted, Phoenix threw Overdrive over her shoulder. She listened with satisfaction to the dull *clang* of the bird hitting an unseen wall. Then she turned her attention back to Hellfire and Vile.

Vile was a bit worried about Hellfire's attack on him. He made a mental note to ask Overdrive what had possessed the new Maverick to do that. Then, putting the situation behind him, he advanced towards Celeste again, who took a step backwards. Vile aimed his shoulder - mounted cannon at her.

Again from behind came the familiar sound of plasma striking metal. This time, the ball of white energy struck Vile's cannon, damaging it very badly. Vile staggered forward, and the remains of the weapon tumbled to the ground, shattering on impact. Vile didn't even need to turn around to see who had destroyed his shoulder pack.

"Hellfire! Would you mind KNOCKING THAT OFF?"

"DON'T HURT HER!" Hellfire's voice echoed in the room, startling everyone including himself.

"Okay, just WHAT is going on here!?" Forrest spoke up, turning to Hellfire for an answer.

The only answer from Hellfire was a confused, bewildered stare.

"There's NOTHING wrong with Hellfire!" Vile snapped. "He's one of us now! Hellfire, go destroy those Hunters! This minute! And I mean NOW!"

Hellfire took a step towards X, Forrest and Celeste. Then he stepped back and shook his helmeted head.

"Do it! NOW, NOW, NOW!" Vile screeched, jumping up and down while flapping his arms wildly. The suspense of the moment was causing him to throw one of his infamous temper tantrums.

"Vile!" Celeste shouted angrily. "Leave him alone, and finish us off yourself, if you're so hot!"

Vile threw back his head and laughed. "Forget it, mien human! I'm gonna watch your 'friend' destroy all of you! I've been waiting for this!"

Celeste clenched her fist. X snarled, and Forrest simply stood there, emotionless.

"He'll tear you all apart! Limb from limb!"

Hellfire advanced towards the Hunters.

"Here it goes! Here comes the fun! Ha ha...I can't say it was a pleasure meeting you all... "

Celeste unclenched her fist. She raised her lightsabre again. Forrest and X raised their arm cannons and took aim...

"And you, human!" Vile boomed at Celeste. "What are you going to do now? My new colleague is about to destroy you! Then your family! Then your friends! Then your entire species! What are you going to do then? Run home crying to mama that Billy doesn't wanna be your friend anymore? Do something! Do something, human! Ha ha...DO SOMETHING!"

Vile had been warned several times by Phoenix never to toy with human emotions. They were untamed and unpredictable. They would often drive humans to do savage things without thinking. Vile had laughed at Phoenix's warning. He had always enjoyed taunting a human a bit before killing it, like a cat with its prey. Now, Vile was about to regret not heeding Phoenix's words of wisdom.

A roar escaped Celeste. She charged right towards Vile, tackling him. Not prepared for this action, Vile was swept clean off his feet. He landed on the ground with a hearty thump. Celeste's lightsabre began to tear mercilessly into the evil Maverick. Vile had no weapons to retaliate with. He could only lay there, writhing and thrashing while Celeste tore him up. He could not even get back up on his feet. X and Forrest simply stood and stared, never really thinking for a second about assisting Celeste. This would not be a day they would forget anytime soon.

After several attempts, Vile was finally able to make his voice heard over Celeste's shouting, cursing and slashing.


Hellfire's confused glance went from the Hunters to Vile to the Hunters again. He didn't even know what to think. His orders were clear: destroy the Hunters. They had been given by his creator and master, Vile. So why didn't he follow them...? He didn't know. Something told him to get a better look at the Hunters before he attacked anyone.

Hellfire's vision fell on the human female who was destroying Vile. He was torn between the urge to unseam her from stomach to chops with his lightsabre and the urge to save her. He closed his eyes and opened them again, only to see the two male reploids. They seemed vaguely familiar. Hellfire felt as if he had seen them somewhere...perhaps in a supermarket or something. Suddenly, any memories he had of the Hunters were washed away, and replaced by alarm and bloodlust. Vile was in danger! He had to help...

Vile had stopped struggling under the girl's flashing lightsabre. He twiched feebly from time to time, but that was all. He was almost gone. Still, the girl had not let up. Circulatory fluids were spattered unevenly on her. She did not care. She was screaming incomprehensible words about her friends, family, and this 'Zero' character...

In Hellfire's mind, there suddenly flashed an image of a girl curled up on the pavement, crying. The girl had a bad wound inflicted by a plasma shot on her arm...

Hellfire shook his head. This image cleared, but was quickly replaced by another.

Hellfire could see himself laughing along with a blue - armoured reploid. Suddenly, he was training with the blue reploid. Then he was beating the living hell out of the reploid. Then he was laughing alon g with him again . Suddenly, Hellfire could see himself ready to throw something shiny and precious out of a window...

Hellfire clut ched his head, mentally ordering these images to stop. He had to help Vile...his master...

Hellfire could see a platinum plated reploid before him. The reploid seemed to have something to do with chocolate...

Another wave of bloodlust washed over Hellfire. Again, he was aware of his orders, and was determined to carry them out. He took a step towards the frenzied human attacking Vile.

The blue reploid that had been escorting the human suddenly shouted, "Forrest! It's no use! He's on their side." A look of pain crossed the blue reploid's face as he said this. "He's gonna hurt Celeste!"

The platinum reploid nodded silently. He raised his charged arm cannon.

"Sorry, Zero." The reploid mouthed. He released the shot.

A flaming white ball struck Hellfire squarely in the stomach. Crying out, he reeled backwards and crashed against the wall. There he slumped to the ground. Hellfire was alarmed to find that his health was down to 10%. His breath rasped in and out of his chest. The shot had melted off several layers of the armour protecting his stomach, and several circuits and wires had been exposed. His circulatory fluids began to spill onto the ground. He clutched his stomach in a futile effort to stop this. Then, to top it off, the hateful pictures returned to him...

Hellfire could see fleeting images in his tired out mind. He was being shot in the arm with some sort of drug...He was battling something with sharp talons that slashed his arm...a metallic alligator was singing...

Hellfire closed his eyes, exhausted. What was going on with him? Vile was his creator! Why did he want to protect the human? Why did the blue and platinum reploids seem so familiar?

One final, decisive question occupied Hellfire's mind.

"If I was Vile's creation...."

"why was I born in a cage...?"

At this thought, a mammoth tide of memories washed over Hellfire's corrupted mind. Crying out, he struggled to understand what was happening. Chaos consumed him as his systems tried to fight off the last of the nasty virus. Through his blood - dimmed vision, Hellfire could see the blue repliod approaching him. He knew this reploid! And he knew himself! He had one last chance to become normal again...

"X! X, save me! Don't hurt me!"

X stopped in utter astonishment. He gaped at Hellfire. Hellfire sunk to the ground, grinning weakly. Once his auto repair systems kicked in, he began to feel sleepy.

"All this for your lousy CD, you schmuck!"

Zero cradled his head in his arms and allowed himself to sink into merciful blackness.

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