Part 3:Platinum

Hello. This is your narrator speaking. I think that I should bring to your attention that I'm in a good deal of pain as I write this. You see, due to the scare here in Ontario, it was required that we all get our measles vaccination in school. I think that the woman who gave me my shot worked in a butcher shop in a previous life. On top of that, I was one of the lucky "few" to get a reaction to the needle....a fever, and chills. So I got to sit isolated from the rest of my fellow schoolmates, all of which were laughing at a Mr. Bean video which was put on by the needle people (You were supposed to relax your arm for a while) and I got to stare at a wall. Why am I saying this...? Why would you care? Sigh...nevertheless, I shall nobly sacrifice myself to bring you the continuation of this lovely story the way Zero sacrificed himself to save X from a certain death. Speaking of those two.....

"Heads up, X!" Zero tossed a wo…oden carton of spare robot parts to X. "Catch!"

X turned around from the shelf he was taking inventory on. "What'd you say, Zero?" No sooner had he finished his question then the box stuck the bare cement floor of the storeroom. The fragile crate shattered on impact. X turned his eyes down to the floor. "Oh...that. Whoops."

"X, you idiot!" Shouted Zero. "Good morning!"

"Zero, it was an accident."

"I'll bloody well GIVE you an accident!" Zero drew back his fist.

"Hey, don't kill each other, you two!" Celeste called from across the storeroom.

"Aw, X know's I'd never hurt him!" Zero said with a grin. He threw his arm around X's artificial neck. "Right, buddy?"

X struggled fruitlessly against the bear hold.

"Urk...can't...breathe!" He gasped.

"Breathing is for the weak, X!"

"Am I interrupting anything important?"

X and Zero turned towards the door, w…here the familiar voice came from. Celeste peeked out from behind a metal shelf of "Do-it-yourself books on building robots. "Dr. Cain!"

The elderly scientist was parked in the doorway, leaning on his cane. Beside him was a young male reploid, clad in brilliant platinum armour. Cain smiled at X and Zero. "Zero, I've brought you a new friend. He's to join the #00 class of Maverick Hunters. I'll leave you two to get acquainted." With that, Cain shuffled out of the doorway.

Zero was usually wary towards strangers. This platinum guy was no exception. Zero gave him a 'Yes,-how-may-I-help-you' look. Platinum simply stared back. There was nothing paticularily friendly or hostile in his gaze. He looked something like the old X-Hunter Byte had looked like. Slightly taller, though.

X broke the uncomfortable silence. "Hello, and welcome to the Maverick Hunter forces. I'm X." He gave a warm smile, and extended a hand. Platinum reached for X's hand slowly, as if it were a poisonous snake. "Your name's X? That's a bit lewd." He smirked.

"Well, yes, but.."

"Nevermind. Heeyyyy...nice hair, hippie!" Platinum had turned towards Zero. "Wrong thing to say, guy." X said softly.

Before you could have said 'knife,' platinum found himself dangling inches above the ground, held by the back of his neck. Zero held him as if he weighed no more than a sack of feathers. His grin was sharklike.

"Zero, don't hurt him!" Celeste said warningly.

Zero was deaf to her request. Instead, he wheeled around 180 degrees and slammed the platinum reploid against the wall. A few books and smaller boxes tumbled down from the shelves above.

"My name's Zero." He began quietly, grinning the whole time. "I'm your COMMANDER. You'll obey my every word when you're in my squad. And you know something?? I don't like you. No. I have a good mind to rip your arms out of your sockets.....but wait. No. I'm in a forgiving mood. I'll pretend you didn't say anything. In fact, let's start over. You're going to walk through that door, and we'll act like we've never seen you in our lives. Understand?"

"Y-yes sir." Croaked platinum.

"Smart boy." Zero tossed his frightened prey towards the door. Platinum quickly scuttled out. After a few seconds, he reappeared and knocked on the door.

"Yes? Who is it?" Zero called sweetly.

"I'm uh...a new member of the #00 class of Maverick Hunters."

"Well, come on in! Nice to have you aboard."

Platinum came in, somewhat more humble than before. "I'm sorry sir." He said sheepishly. "I figured that I was pretty high and mighty for being transferred to the #00 Special Forces...I forgot my manners, I guess."

"Forget it." Said X, who was always quick to forgive. "What's your name?"

The reploid grew silent. He looked down at the floor, embarrassed. Zero's temper started to rise again. "Are you deaf? He asked what your name was!"

" rather not say.....sir."

"Oh, come on!" Celeste coaxed.

"I--oh, alright." He mumbled. "My name"

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