Part 4:The Gryphon Part 4:The Gryphon...

"Hey, Zero. Are you gonna let me use that computer today, or what?"

"Patience, young Jedi! I'll be done soon."

X and Zero were seated in the Maverick Hunter HQ computer lab. It was a light and airy room, comfortable and cheerful. The air conditioners located in the west and east windows hummed nonstop in an effort to keep the various humans, reploids and computers in the room cool.

X sat next to his pal, drinking another WD-40 cooler. Zero looked worried. "X, maybe you should lay off on those in case we're called into battle. The last thing we need is for you to be tipsy."

"Nah. You just have fun on the Internet. Don't worry about me." X and Zero then heard Forrest swear rather loudly at his computer.

Zero turned around and grinned at the platinum newcomer. "You know, " he began, "I can't believe your name is Forrest. Your creator must have hated you. You must go through hell every day."

"Life is like a box of chocolates...." Celeste began. She didn't look up from her screen. Forrest pretended not to hear her. Then X chimed in. "Jenny...I love you, Jenny." Zero was on the floor with that one.

"Oh, grow up." The disgruntled platinum reploid muttered to the cheerful bunch.

"Oh Zerrrooooo....." A voice sang from the doorway. It belonged to XY-2400, or Roadkill as he was better known to his friends. Roadkill was one of Dr. Cain's reploid lab assistants. He was stuck with his nickname, as he was infamous for running over various small animals when he ventured out for a Sunday drive. Roadkill beckoned for Zero to approach him. As Zero got up, Roadkill said, "This concerns you too, X. Celeste, come as well....and....." At this point, Roadkill's eyes fell on Forrest.

"Hello, there." He said warmly. "You're new. What's your name?"

Forrest shuddered and hunched miserably in front of his computer.

"What's the matter with him?" Said Roadkill, insulted.

X tapped Roadkill on the shoulder. "He's embarrassed about his name. I don't blame him. He's called Forrest. Please keep your tormenting him to a minimum."

The corners of Roadie's mouth twitched. Then he got back on subject. "X and Zero, the Mavericks have contacted us on Videophone. Vile wishes to speak with you."

"The Mavericks...? Are you sure it's them?"

"Well, it ain't the Brady Bunch!!"

X, Zero and Celeste dashed out the door, several pairs of eyes following them. After hesitating for a minute, the insult-battered Forrest followed.

Up in the MHHQ rec room, the Hunters and the Huntress were crowded around the silver videophone screen. Dr. Cain was among them. They were gaping at the dark face of none other than Vile himself.

"Hello, friends." Vile spoke in his usual smooth, seductive tone. "Since it was such a beautiful day in the neighbourhood, I decided to contact you and let you know that I'm planning to release several legions of bloodthirsty Mavericks on the streets of Kapcom. I also want you to know that I'm deadly sick of you people. Therefore, I invite the bunch of you to our lovely fortress for a showdown. If you show up, wonderful! If not, I'll release the Mavericks, and then you can say 'bye bye' to Kapcom, and the human race. I'll give you....let's see...6 hours to get here. Until then...."

Vile's hateful face disappeared in a hiss of static. Zero turned off the screen of the videophone soberly.

X took a deep breath. "Well?" He sighed. "What're we gonna do now?"

Zero shrugged. "What can we do? We'll fight him, I suppose."

X looked worried. "Is that the smart thing to do?"

"Perhaps you have a better idea?" Zero snorted.

Cain interuppted their bickering. "X, Zero may have a good idea, actually. Right now, the Mavericks are as weak as they're going to get, since Sigma isn't leading them, and their self esteem and confidence is low." He tapped his cane on the carpet. "I think you should have a showdown with Vile before the Maverick forces grow again, else Sigma may return."

X and Zero considered this. Fighting Vile was never a picnic, but battling Sigma always proved to be a major pain in the rear. "I suppose it's the best way to go." Zero spoke up. "Cain, have you got any idea where the new Maverick fortress is?"

"You know, that's the funny part." Cain said as he turned towards the computer map located on the west wall. "The Mavericks haven't moved since their last defeat, like they usually do." He pointed towards the illuminated map with its glowing lines and dots, which X and Zero could never make heads or tails of. "It's almost they want you people to find them."

"Think it's a trap?" X asked Zero.

Zero was strapping his lightsabre to his back. "Oh, probably." He said cheerfully. "But surprises are fun! Besides, I think it's time we get rid of Vile, no matter what it takes. Let's go, X." The crimson reploid turned towards the rest of the group. "Celeste, why don't you come along., you should tag along for the practice. Shall we go?"

Dr. Cain appered to be in deep thought. "Wait, Zero! He called to the departing group. If you can spare a few hours, I'd like to give you the Gryphon. I have a feeling you'll need her."

"I don't know..." X began. "Vile said he'd give us six hours before he attacked, and...."

"Please?" Cain pleaded. "I only have to put some finishing touches on the Gryphon. With the lot of you helping me, I'll be finished rather quickly."

"Well, I'd really love to go out there and slice some Maverick, " Zero grinned as he made a cutting motion with his deactivated lightsabre, "but I guess I can wait a while. What is it you have to do?"

"Oh, just some diagnosic checks...tune know."

"Sounds good to me. Lead on to the Gryphon!"

A few hours later, in the workshop of Cain Labs, Zero, X, Forrest, Celeste and Dr. Cain were putting the finishing touches on what could be called the greatest Robot Ride armor of all time. The Gryphon was a mammoth machine. Its sleek, two storey Titanium x body was painted a dazzling dark blue with gold trimmings. It had two lethal spin-blades that could gouge a huge hole in any material. It's cockpit could hold about 4 people. It was supported by two "legs," both of which were as thick and strong as tree trunks. X was running a diagnostic on the legs and humming a little tune. Zero was much higher up, examining the machinery that ran the levivation platform - the device that would transport the team from the ground to the cockpit.

"Zero, is everything looking okay from up there?" C|alled Celeste from below.

"Hakuna Mutata!" Cried Zero, leaping down from above with the grace of any cat. "X, how's everything with the legs?"

"Fine." X sat up, and banged his head on an open hatch above him. Luckily, he was wearing his helmet, but that didn't keep the pain from ripping through his head.

X clutched his head. "Oh, F-" ....

"X," Dr. Cain said warningly.

"Fudge," X finished sheepishly.

The party then heard sounds coming from the outside streets of the city of Kapcom. Sounds like the firing of plasma from arm cannons, laser shots, screams, shouts, and other fun things. These sounds were all to familiar to X and Zero.

"Looks like Vile released the Mavericks early," said Forrest, his voice strangley emotionless.

X shook his head. "Nasty little man," was all he had to say.

Celeste nodded. "I guess he means business about this showdown. Not to worry, we're almost ready for him! Right Zero?"

Zero didn't answer. His blood stirred at the sound of battle. More than ever, he wanted to shoot a Maverick through the head. He turned towards Cain. "Dr. Cain, let me go out there and shoot a couple of Mavericks while I'm waiting for the Gryphon to be finished." He pleaded.

Dr. Cain shook his head. "Sorry, Zero, but we're going to need you for the showdown, and you seem to be very accident prone, as you're always getting yourself killed off."

Zero said nothing more, but he sulked.

X grinned to his buddy. "A little to much testosterone on the cereal this morning, Zero?"

"Shut up, X."

"Okay, people!" Dr. Cain said when everything on the Gryphon checked out okay. "This is our big moment!! May I present to you the greatest Riding Armor of all time! The Gryphon will lead you faithfully to victory....or death. Try to choose the former."

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